Sunday, November 30, 2008


I made a comment on Thyrston's post "How Important is Football?". 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It Has Only Begun...

Barack Obama has been elected the 44th President of the United States. 

Thoughts or comments, anyone?

Should We All Live Like Miz Alice?

I think that living on an isolated island could be healthy--maybe. If one was born, raised and lived forever on an isolated island, they would be very different than those of us who have lived on the mainland United States. They would not be very up-to-speed with  modern technology and way of life in general.

But could living on an isolated island be a good thing for these select few people? The answer is probably yes. They would never be corrupted by the modern world, and would probably value much simpler things. These people would not live in such a materialistic, stressful environment, such as the large cities we live in today in the United States. However, these people cut off from the modern world would probably be very close-minded and set in their ways. Most likely, they would reject modern technology and fast-paced lives.

Health wise, living on a secluded island in a older way of life is perfect. Socially speaking, it would be the worst. Having said this, I think that the same idea goes for those of us who live in cities here on the mainland United States. We should all take time away from the very materialistic, stressful and fast-paced cities we live in to free our minds. We should all get back to simple living once in a while and see what life is about.

Life really has nothing at all to do with our houses, clothes or cars--but the simple things like family, friends and nature. I think that by venturing out to an isolated, primitive place like Miz Alice’s island, we could all find a bit of peace of mind. I think that it’s only healthy if we all take some time to visit a world that is completely different from our daily ones--whether you live on a secluded island or right here in the middle of Dallas, Texas.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I made a comment on Caprice's post "Fake ID's". Go check it out....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Those Dreaded Alcohol Violations

Alright SMU, let’s face it. Underage drinking is not going to stop. Period. End of Story. So why not learn to deal with it instead of trying to fight it? No matter how much they try, SMU students will still drink. And most of the time, students will drink right here on campus. SMU continuously tries to fight it by handing out those “AVs”. Seriously, what does an Alcohol Violation do? Does it teach students a lesson? Does it make students more afraid to drink? NO. Alcohol Violations do nothing. Sure, you have to go to a class on alcohol, write a paper on alcohol and even pay a fine. But at the end of the day, have SMU students changed their views on alcohol and drinking? Absolutely not.

Five people on my floor have alcohol violations. Because an alcohol violation does not get you in trouble with the law, my friends that have gotten “AVs” just go through the motions. They attend the class, write a bullshit essay about how drinking is bad and they pay the $100 fine. Then, the violation is resolved. Their views on drinking have not changed, and they continue to drink. So, seriously, what is an Alcohol Violation accomplishing? Not a thing.

The "Umph"--Revised

I think all students will agree—The Umphrey Lee cafeteria is pretty good. From the “Spa Cuisine” to the omelet station, our food is not too shabby. You can have pasta, pizza, sandwiches, hamburgers, “home cooking”, salads or omelets on pretty much any day of the week. Then there is the dessert section filled with all kinds of cookies, cakes and ice cream. Sure, it is all good, but it’s the same food every day. The home cooking varies, but everything else stays the same. And I don’t know if I’m the only student here who thinks the food completely sucks on the weekends. If you walk in the “Umph” on Saturday or Sunday, your choices of food are limited. Why do they half-ass the food on the weekends? Sure, more people eat off campus on the weekends, but there are equally as many people who do not. I just checked my account to see how much money I pay for my meal plan--$2100. I definitely do not feel like I’m getting my $2100 out of the Umphrey Lee. 

Sure, there are alternatives to the Umphrey Lee. Choices such as Mac’s Place, Einstein’s, Chick-Fil-A, Subway, Pizza Hut and Montague’s Deli (most students don’t even know about Montague’s--it’s inside The Market in Hughes-Trigg) make eating on campus completely do-able. However, the “Umph” seems to be the most popular because it has more choices than anything else on SMU’s campus. 

The food is also not the healthiest. I just asked two girls what they thought about the Umphrey Lee, and they replied, “Oh the Fat-Ass Lee?” It’s true. With all the sugary cereal, waffles, cookies, cakes, pizzas, burgers and fries, it’s next to impossible to eat healthy. Why don’t they start offering healthier choices? 

The “Umph” is really nice, and I like the food. There’s no denying that the food is really good. But seriously, why doesn’t SMU offer more, preferably healthier choices to their students who are paying tens of thousands of dollars a year to go to school here?    

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The "Umph"

I think all students will agree—The Umphrey Lee cafeteria is pretty good. From the “Spa Cuisine” to the omelet station, our food is not too shabby. You can have pasta, pizza, sandwiches, hamburgers, “home cooking”, salads or omelets on pretty much any day of the week. Then there is the dessert section filled with all kinds of cookies, cakes and ice cream. Sure, it is all good, but it’s the same food every day. The home cooking varies, but everything else stays the same. And I don’t know if I’m the only student here who thinks the food completely sucks on the weekends. If you walk in the “Umph” on Saturday or Sunday, your choices of food are limited. Why do they half-ass the food on the weekends? Sure, more people eat off campus on the weekends, but there are equally as many people who do not. I just checked my account to see how much money I pay for my meal plan--$2100. I definitely do not feel like I’m getting my $2100 out of the Umphrey Lee.

The food is also not the healthiest. I just asked two girls what they thought about the Umphrey Lee, and they replied, “Oh the Fat-Ass Lee?” It’s true. With all the sugary cereal, waffles, cookies, cakes, pizzas, burgers and fries, it’s next to impossible to eat healthy. Why don’t they start offering healthier choices?

The “Umph” is really nice, and I like the food. There’s no denying that the food is really good. But seriously, why doesn’t SMU offer more, preferably healthier choices to their students who are paying tens of thousands of dollars a year to go to school here?



Sunday, September 7, 2008


I made a comment on NOLA girl's post "Will My Home Still Be There".Here is my comment!

I made another comment on Paris Hilton's post "Taking Attendance? Back to High School?".Here is my comment!

I made another comment on Thyrston's post "How to Save a Life".Here is my comment!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Parking on campus? Ehh, not so much...

Okay, am I the only one who thinks that parking at SMU completely sucks? Correct me if I’m wrong, but SMU’s parking situation is probably most students’ least favorite thing about SMU.

I am a freshman, and I live in Boaz. Freshmen mainly have to park in the parking garages, which aren’t completely horrible. It’s pretty inconvenient at times when you need to run an errand or something. You must get your keys and your student ID card, walk to the garage, walk up the stairs, get in your car and head out. Well once you actually get to the electronic arm at the exit, it might not always work. Many times I have tried to take the Ownby exit, but the scanner simply reads, “Access Denied”. After the scanner displayed this one particular time, I looked in my rearview mirror. There were two cars behind me, and I had to embarrassingly shift my car into reverse. Those two little white reverse lights caused quite a scene. I had to make the other cars move so I could back up and go to the other exit. After pulling some James Bond-style driving moves, I finally headed for the other exit—Binkley Ave. Once I got there, my student ID swiped just fine! And I finally got on my way…

Returning to campus and parking can sometimes be equally as frustrating. When you realize there are no spots on the 3rd or 4th level, it’s up to the 5th level.  Then you have to walk down five flights of stairs or wait for the elevator. Frustrating, once again.

I don’t know how parking works at other dorms on campus, but behind Boaz Hall, there is a nice parking lot. The first few days of school, everyone thought the girls that live in Boaz could park there—right at the back door of Boaz Hall. How convenient, right? Wrong. We have just found out that the parking lot that connects Boaz to the Cox School of Business is for faculty/staff. How crazy is that? A nice, big parking lot right behind Boaz Hall, but us residents can’t even park there.

Students can park behind McElvaney and other dorms, right? So why can’t students park behind Boaz? Why should students have to walk across the street to the parking garage when there is a perfectly good parking lot outside the back door of Boaz Hall?