Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Those Dreaded Alcohol Violations

Alright SMU, let’s face it. Underage drinking is not going to stop. Period. End of Story. So why not learn to deal with it instead of trying to fight it? No matter how much they try, SMU students will still drink. And most of the time, students will drink right here on campus. SMU continuously tries to fight it by handing out those “AVs”. Seriously, what does an Alcohol Violation do? Does it teach students a lesson? Does it make students more afraid to drink? NO. Alcohol Violations do nothing. Sure, you have to go to a class on alcohol, write a paper on alcohol and even pay a fine. But at the end of the day, have SMU students changed their views on alcohol and drinking? Absolutely not.

Five people on my floor have alcohol violations. Because an alcohol violation does not get you in trouble with the law, my friends that have gotten “AVs” just go through the motions. They attend the class, write a bullshit essay about how drinking is bad and they pay the $100 fine. Then, the violation is resolved. Their views on drinking have not changed, and they continue to drink. So, seriously, what is an Alcohol Violation accomplishing? Not a thing.


Anonymous said...

This is a good post, and I hope people will respond with some new thoughts about why there have to be these AV's and checks on what you are doing all the time. Here's another perspective: We writing teachers had a meeting last Friday about writing stuff, but we had a visitor, Lisa Webb, (I believe that's her name). She is the new Dean of Student Life. She wanted to enlist our help in locating students who appear to be depressed, dealing with substance abuse problems, and worse, possibly suicidal. What she said surprised me because I thought SMU has emerging from the dark year when three students died of overdoses. She said there had been a lot of cases where students have had to be taken to hospitals already this year. If that's true and AV's aren't effective in addressing the problem, then what would be?


If there were no AV's, shit would be out of control.


Be Thank full it's basically a joke.

The AV system could be worse. They could arrest us and take us to jail. I mean, that MIGHT resolve it.

Then again, if they did that, a significant portion of the student body would be rocking Prison tats and have 2/3 strikes.

Should steeper steps be taken?


But the other extreme would most definitely NOT be a good thing.